Tuesday, January 26, 2010
The Jesus kinda Love
love the way you love with a love unlike any kinda love
Run to you my safe haven
When the hitches and glitches of life toughen
When the world seems to offer me no solution
Amid those times that I can't trust my intuition
Run to sit witchu and,
Discuss witchu 'bout...
Or rather,
I run to you and,
Cry on you and,
Tug on you begging you to,
Gimme that kinda love that loves only the way you can love,
That kinda love that leaves me loving the ones I once thought unlovable,
Want that kinda love that smiles at strangers driving the latest Range Rovers, jus kidding
That kinda love makes me be the exact me you thought of when you made me.
Sometimes I,
Wanna strive to attain your perfection
To see you reflection,
When I look in the mirror,
Wanna be molded in your structure,
Folded in your stature
Become some'in like your statue
Wanna live for your pleasure
Forgive more than ten times
Love with your measure.
love the way you love with a love unlike any kinda love
Your endless love
PrOvOkal >>> All4Christ
Monday, January 25, 2010
Monday Blues...

- I dont know where to start on my desk
- I wish I had slept early last night
- Didn't pack enough lunch and didn't carry my card
- This coffee don't taste right, its finished now (I think the milk was off, YUCK!)
- I want my boyfriend to hug me and kiss my forehead (makes me feel...I cant explain it)
- I just found out I cant get a drivers licence in SA coz I am a foreigner, so i need to go back kumusha (home) to get an international one.
- I dont have enough leave days to go back home to do the above :(
- Might not achive my goal of driving this year (ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH)
- This fancy Yardley lip gloss burns! Thats why my friend, Nkebe yes you, swaped it for my cheap Clicks brand (Essence), which never burns but still does its job! I hate you right now friend!
- Period pain (need I say more)
- Getting paid this week but it seems so far!
- I have run out of roll on :( but I jacked my little sister's Shower to Shower (works for a minute only, where is that freakin pay day?)
But on the other hand, God is still the same. Woke up this morning and bathed with warm water and soap.
I was literally about to break the body cream container to be able to get a little bit of the remaining cream out of the bottle.
Kissed my baby bye, and she looks adorable in high school uniform :). And my baby sis makes me laugh every morning coz her voice is at its deepest early morn. We make a great tag team when it comes to jokes. Luv this bunch.
Arrived safely to work.
And I still have a job.
Have a God filled day.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Are ready for.....

- To not make too many promises at once
Maybe I am the only one in the world that's stupid enough, and a big people pleaser, that I make 85 promises to 85 different people scheduled at the same time on the same day! I hate myself for that!! No, seriously people. Let me tell you about how pathetic I made someone elses Christmas become..
It was a beautiful day on the 24th of Dec in 2009. I was walking with Mr. Boyfriend...*sigh* and then his friend since they were kids, appeared from a nearby corner. He said he was gonna make Christmas dinner and it was gonna be me and mr. man and him and his girl. Just the four of us.
I say to him nah we can make it dude we are definitely coming! But on Christmas day I was hosting a braai at my house (note he didn't know this), all expenses on me (don't talk to me about the January disease please). So i was thinking to myself how i was gonna work this, I had more than 25 people coming at house (tiny apartment God forbid!) and they were suppose to be all gone by 5 then the dinner was gonna be at 6, right so I had this planned right? Wrong! People only started leaving after 7. Yah you guessed it. I didn't go to the dinner or worse yet, "we" didn't go! And i was too much a chicken to even call and apologise.
Lets just say things are still a bit tense. That's just one of the million things I make endless promises for just by the way. NOT a good move!
- To be a good girlfriend
I am a good loving girlfriend! I am! Now leave me alone!
- To eat less
Now listen to me carefully, this is not a promise. I Lurrrrrvvv me food. But I know its not healthy. And me being the not so active person I am (sleeping being the 2nd hobby after food) doesn't help. I really need to cut down on those Spur Buffalo Wings....*drool*, KFC Hawaiian burgers...., its gonna be hard. But hey I gotta look fab for my girls wedding in October. Denise you owe me BIG time dude!
- To work harder
I don't like the fact that i can easily get comfortable! I need to pull up me socks and not take the job I love so much for granted! And I need to get into college fast!!
Last but not least, the best one...
- To grow closer to God
He has been awfully good to me and honestly I think sometimes as human beings we don't recognise the small wonderful things He has placed in our lives. I love Him, I truly do. Lord, do as You please with me. I offer myself as a living sacrifice this year. May all that I do be soaked in Your magnificent blessings...