Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Mishaps and haps < (if there is such a word)

Before I start.

Its dawned upon me, when I titled the post, that the word "mishaps" (meaning accidents, mistakes, etc) must be derived from "mishappenings". Then some intelligent geek decided to shorten this phrase to mishaps.. So I figured if there is such a word as "mishaps", then how come there is no "haps"? It only makes sense, well in my head that is.

Just had to share the senseless things that happen in the mind of me. Nerd? I love the term nerd!! I like being called a nerd. Infact if you really want me to love you, chant "nerd, nerd, nerd" over and over again. lol, I cant explain my obessesion with the word (maybe its my glasses). Now let me tell you, my email buddies (SA, Zim and Nairobi) are a bunch of nerds. All of them are Zimbos. They dont like to be called nerds but who cares right, i still do. They come up with the most weird yet intellectual discussions ever. It can even be about the most stupid thing! One of the dudes once said to me that actually most Zimbabweans are nerds. Seriously! I can honeslty stand up and say, if given the platform one day, that 80%, if not over that, of Zimbabweans are very intelligent! There I said it. And its true. So big ups to ZimNerds! Blog raSekuru vaTawanda is one example among many. If aSekuru happens to read this, sorry zvenyu.

Next in line is the fact that I have had three different consecutive colds for the past three weeks. All different flavors. ewwww? tell me about it. This week I have had a nagging cough, thats mild during the day and at its climax at night. Im taking Woods and rubbing Vicks. I love sneezing but I hate coughing!

So tonight I have organised to go see "The Book of Eli" with Mr. Man. It must be an intresting movie. He doesnt know that we are going, but we are. After all its his birthday month and our annivesary month so he gets to get spoilt a little (and Denzel is hot! even though he is a bit old now)


Any who to round it all up, I wanted to share an email I got. I laughed my head off! Enjoy. (Sorry for the people who aren't Shona). It doeant look organised coz I just copied and pasted it, but its easy to make sense of :)

Hwindi: Yakuzara yakuzara iyi!
•    “Garai 4-4 semapiritsi e-TB!”
•    “Vabereki pindai mukati musangomirizika kunge mweya wetsvina”
•    “Haina kuzara kombi iyi vaberekesi, pindai tiende, mukashaya pekugara muno simukirwa nadriver “
•    “Vabereki ngatisakotamei pa-door, hapana ari kubaya jekiseni pano?”
•    “Musamire kunze vabereki. Zarirayi mukati senhumbu!”
•    “Pindai mese vabereki! Yamudhara haizare, inenge bhawa!”
•    “Vabereki bhadharayi. Isu hati tambe pabasa sa-Macheso”
•    “R5 yako ndeye kuterera music, kombi ndeyemahara”
•    “Vabereki ngatibheje mari dzedu tione kuti mota inotisvitsa kwatiri kuenda here iyi”
•    “Farirai kukwira kombi yenyu iyi vaberekesi! Ndimi maka isakadza!”
•    “Mdara handei, unokwanisa kugara pa'kadoma'(behind driver) apa! Unenge utori bho! Unoto tangira vari kubhek siti kusvika asi mabhadhara mari yaka fanana.
•    “Ah iwewe gara pa'kadoma' apa kana kuti rembera(stand up)!
•    “Hamudi back seat, pane asina kupfeka here ikoko?”
•    “Tinoda hwani asina makuhwa!”
•    “Eh ambuya garai nehalf tikwane tese!”
• “Ngatigarei takabatana semagaro vabereki!”

Standing Passenger (Vano rembera!)
•    Vabereki, ngatifarire kuenda kwatinoroja. Mirai musana nedumbu ngazvigumane.
•    Ah iwewe gara pa'kadoma' apa kana kuti rembera(stand up)!
Commenting on Passengers

•    Hwindi achiwanzira ma-rasta maviri anga ari mukombi—“Aah inga marasta akuwanda kupfura vanhu!”

•    Hanzi mwana wahwindi akabvunzwa kuti kana vanhu vawanda vanonzi chi-i, akati SHURA!

•    “Mukwasha mandigarira!”
•    “Mukwasha, bvisai ruoko rwenyu ipapo!”
•    “Mukwasha, ndisiei pa 'no stopping' mukwasha!”
•    '”Mukwasha ndisiyeiwo pama sewage”
•    “Kombi imarii mkwasha?" Hwindi: "Munogona kuitenga here kombi iyi mbuya?"
•    “Hwindi kuna driver 'tsika chepakati (brake) shamwari, paita shura!”

Final Destination
•    “ Mari yenyu yaperera pano vabereki!”
•    “Ngatibatanidzei vabereki nevaberekesi!! (pay time)
•    “Ngatiburukei vabereki kombi yasungwa iyi”
•    “Vabereki musaite kunge ma-tourist itai muchiburuka”
•    “Chii chirikuitika umo, ehh vabereki pedzai kugeza vamwe vapindewo?”

Have a blessed day



Anonymous said...

LOL, I hear the Book of Eli is great! I really want to watch it. Denzel is sexy and for me he just gets better looking the older he gets!

Vimbai said...

Oh wow, that whole Combi gwan had me in stitches! Thanks for the laugh session.

You'll enjoy the Book of Eli...that Denzel, he's what i call "husband-hot", i wouldn't perve over him per se, but when it comes down to marriage and babies, that's the kind of man you want in your corner!

Teshyah said...

@MBLS - Grrrrrrr, lol. Its like "Come here you sexy old thang!" lol. Pauletta, better watch out huh?

@Vimbz - “Chii chirikuitika umo, ehh vabereki pedzai kugeza vamwe vapindewo?” this one is one of the many that killed me. LMAO!! Asi most of them are tru.

Girlz Denzel is hot. And I know he is aging gracefully. Wld love to give his wrinkly butt a slapp, Awwwww! ;) Will enjoy drooling tonight.
