Then I get criticized for being careless with my hair by friends who "care" (whatever!) for me. So now, I have decided to make it official... I'm going NATURAL people!! I am so excited. Those relaxers were messing up my hair. Now it will be no more. And anyway natural is quite hot. Michell my girl has been keeping real by staying natural. I'm so with you now girl! As for Nkebe, why in the world did you relax your beautiful fro?! Don't hate when I start looking soulful and hot in my fro!! (Dunno how I will pull it off coz my hair is quite thin, but hey, its worth the try!)
And yes I will still rock my braids 3/4s of the year! Lil problem though, apparently if you decide to go natural, like i have, you have to do the "big-chop" in other words, go bald! chiskop! zuda! muparavara! And well i really don't mind stating over, its Mr. Man that minds. Damn he will freak out if i told him I'm going short. Ima need prayers to talk to this dude! So the deal is, I tell him today when i see him, then will let ya'll know of what I would have gone through to convince him.
Hey, next time I update my blog, I will try post my before and after pics.
:D cant wait!!
Word xxx (That girl in the above pic is mos def rockin that afro! What do you think?)
She looks fabulous! I wish i could rock an afro, but I have such mufushwa hair that I literally break comes with it, so an afro is just not an option at the moment. I have my hair short and texturised and absolutely loving it!
Well watch out for the next post tell you all about what i did xxx Mwatjies
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