I had to go get my glasses adjusted coz with a perfect nose like mine ordinary just don't cut it! Mr.Man escorted me to the optometrist and on our way back we was discussing if I really wanted to do this. Isn't there another option babe, he asked. Well babe, if I want that hot fro I better get to cutting this mess out. And well as you might have guessed it, first stop was the barber as soon as we got into the hood. He sat next to me and you know he said the craziest thing jokingly, he said "babe, as soon as the first drop of shaved hair hits the ground, its over!" And I'm on some 'thanks babe then I can finally hook up with that hot guy I always tell u about!' LOL. I did say that. And as surely as I love my chocolate with coffee (weird but I really do, love the way it melts in my mouth with the coffee) with the first hair that dropped, he walked out of the shop leaving me alone in the shop alone with a bunch of people that thought i was crazy for cutting my hair! People I don't even know! You know those kind of people that have opinions even for the things that don't concern them? Worst of all they have never met me and they know nothing about me for all they know I must have cancer or something that's why I am cutting my hair.
Anyway he walks out and he doesn't come back! My luck, now I could really hook up with that hot guy, just kidding! Well I thought its ok I will just surprise him. So the barber dude left like a centimeter of hair. I thought ok we could rock this. I get to his house and all his brothers call me mad, just like Denise did! (I will have enough hair for braids for your wedding Dee so don't worry). He wasn't so ....ummm....well he thought it was ok.
Come Sunday afternoon, I decide I am shaving this thing bald! And I did, and he actually loved it. Someone said to me I look like the bald version of Whoopie Goldberg, I took it as a compliment. I honestly did. Whoopie is my girl and I must be one funny monkey to be compared to Whoopie.
I then got pierced, to enhance the look, on my ears for like the 100th time in my life. And I pierced my ear trangus, yes my ear cartilage. And the usual two normal holes for like the millionth time now coz it always closes! The cartilage is an unusual place so I like it. So I got 3 piercings and well you can say I am looking summerish, sexy. Bald head and all.

I cant get the damn pics on the PC so I am getting frustrated! I look like that girl on that pic on top just that I am darker and more nerdy kinda hot looking. She's cute :)
But hey, being the poet I am, I think I am rocking this look. I think I am quite hot bald.
My journey to 'Fro'radise starts. Walk with me xxx
P.S. Thats my girl Michelle, rocking the fro since the day we met!
Congratulations! I'm sure you look great!
Thanks hun, tough choice hey! Asi in life its sometimes fun to do daring stuff!! Next, I am going bungee jumping!! jus kiding! You will have to kill me first, lol xxx
Lovely pics.....
I am impressed!!! I need to take courage from you.....
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