Thursday, October 14, 2010
I been around...
I turned 21
Now, i hate, hear me out on this please, I HATE *insert fist hanging mid air* people who think just coz I am 21 i am a child! I sometimes avoid speaking of my age or telling people my age coz they start under estimating my intelligence and psyche. In fact I know of someone that I didnt tell my age for a very long time and they assumed i was 25 or 26 (I do look 25) and when i did tell, they started treating me a lil differently and speaking oddly. UNCOMFORTABLE! Now I dont mind the fact that I look a lil older than i really am and i sound and act a lil older than i really am i actually love it. But dont come act awkward and start going coochie cooo when i tell u my age. Hence, i avoid age questions.
I have so much i need to do in life just in general. And i leave it and hope it will go away (normally doesnt work). It sucks that I have this thing in me. For example, I hate confronting someone that has wronged me, and there are times you need to these kind of things you know. I think a lot of people tend to take advantage coz i hate confrontations.
And my room, I have been planning to change the order of things since forever, but seems like i'd rather sleep than preetify my room. The diet (that never worked)....*sigh, sigh, sigh* I need to focus, my licence... bladi blah blah blah! I need help, someone...anyone....
Best Buddie's Wedding
30th of October, its here people. And I am a brides maid, (one very big one). The venue is beautiful. So intimate and cozy oh its beautiful. My dress is lovely and her dress is just so exquisite. Its gonna be awesome. I am just praying she stops stressing! I have never met anyone that stresses as much as D does, flippin hell. She should get an award! "for the highest stress level, passing with bright colours and tripple distinctions ladies and gentlemen, D!" *applause*
Dude u need to relax now, like really! Its gonna be fine.
And a whole of other things have happened. Dont even know what to place where. But this is a fresh page so my stories start now.
Lotsa lurvin
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
>>>>>>>>>Dear Faithful...

Got lots of stories, will drop some tomorrow...
Im here to stay now :)
Friday, June 11, 2010
.................I'm not a soccer fan but what the hell
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Wait a minute...
Ok, now that's out of the way.
The excitement is brewing like rapidly. Only a few hours left for kick off. People are wearing their South African soccer jerseys. My colleague has one written "Rude Boy" at the back (take it, take it, take it...). I shall be singing that song in his face till he turns purple. And people are bloody blowing their vuvuzelas everywhere! If I had one also I wouldn't be complaining, but I don't, so until I get one please take it easy on the vuvuzelas. Poor visitors. Their ears wont be the same when they go back to their countries. I wonder what their view on the vuvuzelas and the outrageous outfits will be. But one things is for sure, South Africans are very happy, hard hand shaking people (just for a moment try and look past the crime, the strikes and the xenophobia. I am swimming back home people.) They love to love other people, sometimes. Like for example, people that don't even know you can call you sweetie, lovie, darling, my baby and all that. And I don't mean lustfully, I mean just coz its sweet. If you not used to it you will probably think everyone is flirting with you.
Licence to drive
Not that easy to get in South Africa, if you are not South African ofcoz. Things just seem so hard to just do things normally here with out the officials trying to fish you out. Either its procedure or they just want your money.
Not a girl..but not yet a woman
So one of my close friends is dating a sixteen year old and he is, wait for it....26. No, is there something wrong with me or is this really a no no. Please tell me if i am over reacting. This is just so wrong in many ways. This is how the conversation went. Please note I copied this straight from my inbox:
Him - Remember that 16 year old i told you about? Well....
Me - No u didn't!!
Him - I tried to stop. But she didn't make it easy.
She seemed a whole lot more confident this time.
I guess she went home after our previous encounter and thought long and hard to herself.
Me - Oh my word! You are such a paedophile
I have no words for you!
I will leave it here coz the rest is unbelievable. You do the math for yourself, you will figure out what he "tried to stop". But if I am being unreasonable then drop me one and tell me where exactly I am being naive . I still don't think its good for him to do this, for her sake. But he thinks she is the one coz she is young, beautiful and inexperienced. And she is obviously head over heels coz she is 16. I have so much to say on this but let me shut my trap.
In Other News...
The Apple iphone 4 is out! It is BEAUTIFFFFFFFFFUL!!!
The Nokia N8 is its competitor coz its got a 12mega pixel camera and all that. But I'm more for looks, so I will stick to the ever so beautiful iphone 4. Lovely piece of art that.
On that note, have a lovely FIFA month. I'm not a soccer fan, but I loooove the players. ;)
Words of wisdom - There is no high like the Most High.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Random stuff
Have a fun Friday
Check out these steps that different genders take at the bank to draw some money
1. Drive up to the cash machine.
2. Put down your car window....
3. Insert card into machine and enter PIN.
4. Enter amount of cash required and withdraw.
5. Retrieve card, cash and receipt.
6. Put window up.
7. Drive off.
FEMALE PROCEDURE: What is really funny is that most of this part is the Truth!!!!
1. Drive up to cash machine.
2. Reverse and back up the required amount to align car window with the machine.
3. Set parking brake; put the window down.
4. Find handbag; remove all contents on to passenger seat to locate card.
5. Tell person on cell phone you will call them back and hang up.
6. Attempt to insert card into machine.
7. Open car door to allow easier access to machine due to its excessive distance from the car.
8. Insert card.
9. Re-insert card the right way.
10. Dig through handbag to find diary with your PIN written on the inside back page.
11. Enter PIN.
12. Press cancel and re-enter correct PIN.
13. Enter amount of cash required.
14. Check makeup in rear view mirror.
15. Retrieve cash and receipt.
16. Empty handbag again to locate wallet and place cash inside...
17. Write debit amount in check register and place receipt in back of checkbook.
18. Re-check makeup.
19. Drive forward 2 feet.
20. Reverse back to cash machine.
21. Retrieve card.
22. Re-empty hand bag, locate card holder, and place card into the slot provided!
23. Give dirty look to irate male driver waiting behind you.
24. Restart stalled engine and pull off.
25. Redial person on cell phone.
26. Drive for 2 to 3 kilometres.
27. Release parking brake.
Lovely weekend people
xxx ;-)
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
I been around doin...
On that note, take care and the words of wisdom for today....
"We can throw stones, complain about them, stumble on them, climb over them or build with them" - Unknown Author
And the pics I promised. Thanks to MBLS for her posts that introduced me to Sika. You rock chic!

Thursday, April 1, 2010
This is hilarious.
Its last year's Idols contestant. I dont know if she had planned it or she was serious.. You decide.
Oh and enjoy your easter weekend. Im going to camp :)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Untitled Ramblings...
I tried to make over my bedroom but i never finished. Please tell me I'm not the only one that gets excited about doing something for the first few hours, days or months then the enthusiasm just wears off, hence i have so many thing undone in my life in general. I need to fix that.
But I did my hair and my face. No i don't have long hair, but I shampoo and condition and all that stuff. Its natural and I'm trying hard for it to grow healthily. I try use natural products and its works miracles for my kinky coils. I enjoy doing my hair. I loooove the refreshed feeling I get. I know its not interesting but let me share my routine for those who care to listen. So I use some cheap Palmolive Egg Shampoo and Conditioner, Apple Cider Vinegar, and Olive Oil.
On my face I put "dhaga", i don't know what its called in English. But its that soil like substance that pregnant women love to eat. It looks like clay but it isn't. If you know the name in English, holla. I only know the shona version. Anyway I made a mask with that stuff and yah, i had a mini pampering just for moi! Beautiful I tell you. So effective.
Enough girl talk!
Sometimes when I am going home, I have to use a taxi. My usual means of transport will not be available at that time. (A taxi is kombi by the way, they call them taxis here in SA). In total I use 4 of them. I HATE using taxis by the way. I hate it. Its squashed and there is always that random person that smells like they have never heard of a bathroom. The same person asks if I can please close the window, WHATTTT THE HELLLLL! Then there is that man that is too close for comfort. When he is reaching for his money in his pocket, he stands up and his bum is in my face or if this person is not standing in a moving taxi reaching for their pockets, they are nudging my freaking boob! Coz they are trying to get money from their purse or wallet. I DESPISE TAXIZ! I should just get a freaking licence and save for a car.
So after my 2nd taxi, I get to Jozi. I walk to my 3rd taxi. So while walking, the streets smell like hell. Men are peeing everywhere. People are just walking bumping in to you. And you have to hold your hand bag close to you or else you will walk thinking you still have it when its long gone. But what really bothers me is not only the street vendors that are frying their chicken and cooking pap in the most disgusting unhygienic of places but also the porn magazines and DVDs that are sold on the streets. There is lots of young kids that pass through the place I pass also and for me its unruly. Its not healthy for young minds and its disturbing. I have more to say on this matter, just no time to do so. Let me get back to work.
An email I got - Laws Newton forgot to state
LAW OF QUEUE: If you change queues, the one you have left will start to move faster than the one you are in now.
LAW OF TELEPHONE: When you dial a wrong number, you never get an engaged one.
LAW OF MECHANICAL REPAIR : After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch.
LAW OF THE WORKSHOP: Any tool, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible corner.
LAW OF THE ALIBI: If you tell the boss you were late for work because you had a flat tire, the next morning you will have a flat tire.
BATH THEOREM: When the body is immersed in water, the telephone rings.
LAW OF ENCOUNTERS: The probability of meeting someone you know increases when you are with someone you don't want to be seen with.
LAW OF THE RESULT: When you try to prove to someone that a machine won't work, it will!
LAW OF BIO MECHANICS: The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach.
THEATRE RULE: People with the seats at the furthest from the aisle arrive last.
LAW OF COFFEE: As soon as you sit down for a cup of hot coffee, your boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is cold.
Have a blessed week ;)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Mishaps and haps < (if there is such a word)
Its dawned upon me, when I titled the post, that the word "mishaps" (meaning accidents, mistakes, etc) must be derived from "mishappenings". Then some intelligent geek decided to shorten this phrase to mishaps.. So I figured if there is such a word as "mishaps", then how come there is no "haps"? It only makes sense, well in my head that is.
Just had to share the senseless things that happen in the mind of me. Nerd? I love the term nerd!! I like being called a nerd. Infact if you really want me to love you, chant "nerd, nerd, nerd" over and over again. lol, I cant explain my obessesion with the word (maybe its my glasses). Now let me tell you, my email buddies (SA, Zim and Nairobi) are a bunch of nerds. All of them are Zimbos. They dont like to be called nerds but who cares right, i still do. They come up with the most weird yet intellectual discussions ever. It can even be about the most stupid thing! One of the dudes once said to me that actually most Zimbabweans are nerds. Seriously! I can honeslty stand up and say, if given the platform one day, that 80%, if not over that, of Zimbabweans are very intelligent! There I said it. And its true. So big ups to ZimNerds! Blog raSekuru vaTawanda is one example among many. If aSekuru happens to read this, sorry zvenyu.
Next in line is the fact that I have had three different consecutive colds for the past three weeks. All different flavors. ewwww? tell me about it. This week I have had a nagging cough, thats mild during the day and at its climax at night. Im taking Woods and rubbing Vicks. I love sneezing but I hate coughing!

So tonight I have organised to go see "The Book of Eli" with Mr. Man. It must be an intresting movie. He doesnt know that we are going, but we are. After all its his birthday month and our annivesary month so he gets to get spoilt a little (and Denzel is hot! even though he is a bit old now)
Any who to round it all up, I wanted to share an email I got. I laughed my head off! Enjoy. (Sorry for the people who aren't Shona). It doeant look organised coz I just copied and pasted it, but its easy to make sense of :)
Hwindi: Yakuzara yakuzara iyi!
• “Garai 4-4 semapiritsi e-TB!”
• “Vabereki pindai mukati musangomirizika kunge mweya wetsvina”
• “Haina kuzara kombi iyi vaberekesi, pindai tiende, mukashaya pekugara muno simukirwa nadriver “
• “Vabereki ngatisakotamei pa-door, hapana ari kubaya jekiseni pano?”
• “Musamire kunze vabereki. Zarirayi mukati senhumbu!”
• “Pindai mese vabereki! Yamudhara haizare, inenge bhawa!”
• “Vabereki bhadharayi. Isu hati tambe pabasa sa-Macheso”
• “R5 yako ndeye kuterera music, kombi ndeyemahara”
• “Vabereki ngatibheje mari dzedu tione kuti mota inotisvitsa kwatiri kuenda here iyi”
• “Farirai kukwira kombi yenyu iyi vaberekesi! Ndimi maka isakadza!”
• “Mdara handei, unokwanisa kugara pa'kadoma'(behind driver) apa! Unenge utori bho! Unoto tangira vari kubhek siti kusvika asi mabhadhara mari yaka fanana.
• “Ah iwewe gara pa'kadoma' apa kana kuti rembera(stand up)!
• “Hamudi back seat, pane asina kupfeka here ikoko?”
• “Tinoda hwani asina makuhwa!”
• “Eh ambuya garai nehalf tikwane tese!”
• “Ngatigarei takabatana semagaro vabereki!”
Standing Passenger (Vano rembera!)
• Vabereki, ngatifarire kuenda kwatinoroja. Mirai musana nedumbu ngazvigumane.
• Ah iwewe gara pa'kadoma' apa kana kuti rembera(stand up)!
Commenting on Passengers
• Hwindi achiwanzira ma-rasta maviri anga ari mukombi—“Aah inga marasta akuwanda kupfura vanhu!”
• Hanzi mwana wahwindi akabvunzwa kuti kana vanhu vawanda vanonzi chi-i, akati SHURA!
• “Mukwasha mandigarira!”
• “Mukwasha, bvisai ruoko rwenyu ipapo!”
• “Mukwasha, ndisiei pa 'no stopping' mukwasha!”
• '”Mukwasha ndisiyeiwo pama sewage”
• “Kombi imarii mkwasha?" Hwindi: "Munogona kuitenga here kombi iyi mbuya?"
• “Hwindi kuna driver 'tsika chepakati (brake) shamwari, paita shura!”
Final Destination
• “ Mari yenyu yaperera pano vabereki!”
• “Ngatibatanidzei vabereki nevaberekesi!! (pay time)
• “Ngatiburukei vabereki kombi yasungwa iyi”
• “Vabereki musaite kunge ma-tourist itai muchiburuka”
• “Chii chirikuitika umo, ehh vabereki pedzai kugeza vamwe vapindewo?”
Have a blessed day
Thursday, February 18, 2010
So just a few minutes ago...
Monday, February 15, 2010
And also...

I still hate Mondays...

Friday, February 12, 2010
I have decided on what to get him...
Enjoy your Valentine's Weekend
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Valentines is coming up...

Thursday, February 4, 2010
Things, Thoughts and other Things

I got a puppy. A chihauhua (awwwwwwwww). She is so cute and so small. She

I honestly have been considering losing weight but with people around me that love their food its a bit too hard to do. The only exercise I get is walking to my "pick-up-place" to go to work, which is 10min away from where i stay and going up the stairs at work. And besides healthy food doesnt taste nice. Well unless Jamie Oliver cooks it. I dont know what I am gonna do. Im a size 36... Yes I would love to be a 30 and my friend's wedding is in October. ARGHH. I dont have time to go to the gym. There is just so many other things to do. Ok we will talk about this weight thing another time, let me finish this slice of cheese cake first.
So, I really like Corinne Bailey Rae. I love the soulfullness of her music and she ha

She is 31. She got married at 22 and her husband, Jason Rae, died when she was 28. He had taken an overdose of drugs so yah. She became a widow at a very young age, tjo!
Anyway heres to Monday again. I am praying for an awesome week and wish ya'll the same
Monday, February 1, 2010
Zino! (Tooth Ache)
My wisdom tooth is KILLING me!!!!!!!! Thing is I swallowed a filling last year. Now understand me when I say I have had this filling since I was 6 or

Now I am in a good amount of pain.
I want the dentist and I want him now! On Saturday evening, myself, mr. boyfriend and my two teenage girls where preparing to go for some KFC (my diet only started today if you were wondering) and I was starving so i decided to chow on some bread before hitting the road. Good old tea nechingwa chine majarini. So I took a grown woman size bite and sipped on the tea. In my head it happened in slow motion. I chewed once...twice....then on the third chew, the bread did a summersault in my mouth and landed on my already rotting hole. I felt pain at its intensity and I cried out so loud mr. boyfriend took a while to get to me. And the fact that he took his freaking time made me cry much louder!
Poor guy didnt know what to say. There is a big chance the neighbours could have heard me coz I screamed and then I cried like what those women do at Zim funerals. Maiweeeeeee!
What a good start to my diet, now I cant eat anything at all!
But hey we did go to KFC after all and yes I had streetwise two! I wasnt gonna let a stupid tooth get in the way of my cravings. I chewed with one side but today, eissssh, today I cant even drink water without cringing.
Stupid tooth.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
The Jesus kinda Love
love the way you love with a love unlike any kinda love
Run to you my safe haven
When the hitches and glitches of life toughen
When the world seems to offer me no solution
Amid those times that I can't trust my intuition
Run to sit witchu and,
Discuss witchu 'bout...
Or rather,
I run to you and,
Cry on you and,
Tug on you begging you to,
Gimme that kinda love that loves only the way you can love,
That kinda love that leaves me loving the ones I once thought unlovable,
Want that kinda love that smiles at strangers driving the latest Range Rovers, jus kidding
That kinda love makes me be the exact me you thought of when you made me.
Sometimes I,
Wanna strive to attain your perfection
To see you reflection,
When I look in the mirror,
Wanna be molded in your structure,
Folded in your stature
Become some'in like your statue
Wanna live for your pleasure
Forgive more than ten times
Love with your measure.
love the way you love with a love unlike any kinda love
Your endless love
PrOvOkal >>> All4Christ
Monday, January 25, 2010
Monday Blues...

- I dont know where to start on my desk
- I wish I had slept early last night
- Didn't pack enough lunch and didn't carry my card
- This coffee don't taste right, its finished now (I think the milk was off, YUCK!)
- I want my boyfriend to hug me and kiss my forehead (makes me feel...I cant explain it)
- I just found out I cant get a drivers licence in SA coz I am a foreigner, so i need to go back kumusha (home) to get an international one.
- I dont have enough leave days to go back home to do the above :(
- Might not achive my goal of driving this year (ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH)
- This fancy Yardley lip gloss burns! Thats why my friend, Nkebe yes you, swaped it for my cheap Clicks brand (Essence), which never burns but still does its job! I hate you right now friend!
- Period pain (need I say more)
- Getting paid this week but it seems so far!
- I have run out of roll on :( but I jacked my little sister's Shower to Shower (works for a minute only, where is that freakin pay day?)
But on the other hand, God is still the same. Woke up this morning and bathed with warm water and soap.
I was literally about to break the body cream container to be able to get a little bit of the remaining cream out of the bottle.
Kissed my baby bye, and she looks adorable in high school uniform :). And my baby sis makes me laugh every morning coz her voice is at its deepest early morn. We make a great tag team when it comes to jokes. Luv this bunch.
Arrived safely to work.
And I still have a job.
Have a God filled day.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Are ready for.....

- To not make too many promises at once
Maybe I am the only one in the world that's stupid enough, and a big people pleaser, that I make 85 promises to 85 different people scheduled at the same time on the same day! I hate myself for that!! No, seriously people. Let me tell you about how pathetic I made someone elses Christmas become..
It was a beautiful day on the 24th of Dec in 2009. I was walking with Mr. Boyfriend...*sigh* and then his friend since they were kids, appeared from a nearby corner. He said he was gonna make Christmas dinner and it was gonna be me and mr. man and him and his girl. Just the four of us.
I say to him nah we can make it dude we are definitely coming! But on Christmas day I was hosting a braai at my house (note he didn't know this), all expenses on me (don't talk to me about the January disease please). So i was thinking to myself how i was gonna work this, I had more than 25 people coming at house (tiny apartment God forbid!) and they were suppose to be all gone by 5 then the dinner was gonna be at 6, right so I had this planned right? Wrong! People only started leaving after 7. Yah you guessed it. I didn't go to the dinner or worse yet, "we" didn't go! And i was too much a chicken to even call and apologise.
Lets just say things are still a bit tense. That's just one of the million things I make endless promises for just by the way. NOT a good move!
- To be a good girlfriend
I am a good loving girlfriend! I am! Now leave me alone!
- To eat less
Now listen to me carefully, this is not a promise. I Lurrrrrvvv me food. But I know its not healthy. And me being the not so active person I am (sleeping being the 2nd hobby after food) doesn't help. I really need to cut down on those Spur Buffalo Wings....*drool*, KFC Hawaiian burgers...., its gonna be hard. But hey I gotta look fab for my girls wedding in October. Denise you owe me BIG time dude!
- To work harder
I don't like the fact that i can easily get comfortable! I need to pull up me socks and not take the job I love so much for granted! And I need to get into college fast!!
Last but not least, the best one...
- To grow closer to God
He has been awfully good to me and honestly I think sometimes as human beings we don't recognise the small wonderful things He has placed in our lives. I love Him, I truly do. Lord, do as You please with me. I offer myself as a living sacrifice this year. May all that I do be soaked in Your magnificent blessings...