My wisdom tooth is KILLING me!!!!!!!! Thing is I swallowed a filling last year. Now understand me when I say I have had this filling since I was 6 or

Now I am in a good amount of pain.
I want the dentist and I want him now! On Saturday evening, myself, mr. boyfriend and my two teenage girls where preparing to go for some KFC (my diet only started today if you were wondering) and I was starving so i decided to chow on some bread before hitting the road. Good old tea nechingwa chine majarini. So I took a grown woman size bite and sipped on the tea. In my head it happened in slow motion. I chewed once...twice....then on the third chew, the bread did a summersault in my mouth and landed on my already rotting hole. I felt pain at its intensity and I cried out so loud mr. boyfriend took a while to get to me. And the fact that he took his freaking time made me cry much louder!
Poor guy didnt know what to say. There is a big chance the neighbours could have heard me coz I screamed and then I cried like what those women do at Zim funerals. Maiweeeeeee!
What a good start to my diet, now I cant eat anything at all!
But hey we did go to KFC after all and yes I had streetwise two! I wasnt gonna let a stupid tooth get in the way of my cravings. I chewed with one side but today, eissssh, today I cant even drink water without cringing.
Stupid tooth.
I love KFC! But sha I feel your pain with the tooth thing. I had my wisdom teeth removed last summer and it was just not cool! But at least it makes the diet a bit easier! Good way to look at it.
I thought of it like that and...yah you might have a point! But I cant even have a salad for crying out loud. ARGH, I will wait till its out. I really wanna remove it by tomorrow. You know whats sad is that I am hosting a braai tonight.
Dont you even ask xxx
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