Things, Thoughts and other Things
Well now the tooth has been removed. Been 2 weeks already. Its way better but I was taking some crazy bum pain killers (love the stuff, it makes me feel high). And i had stitches on the hole (wisdon tooth). Yes stitches! The doc said the hole was too big she had to put 6 stitches. Painfull? Yes. Had to sit in the queue to see the dentist for a good 4 hours. Mr. Boyfriend skipped work to take me there. Now thats a good man. While waiting there was a girl my age that went in and she was screaming like no man's business. I freaked out and I wanted to poop in my skirt coz I was scared it was gonna hurt. When she got out she was still screaming and I told boyfriend "Please dont let them kill me! They gonna kill me! Why are you letting them kill me?!" He assured me evrything was gonna be ok, and well he was right. I didnt even flinch *applause*. I am very scared of pain. Call me chicken.
I got a puppy. A chihauhua (awwwwwwwww). She is so cute and so small. She
is a "Tea-cup Chihuahua" I love her to bits and so do the girls (my sister and my baby girl). We named her Vanilla. Why? Coz we wanted too?! We wrote down a number of names and we picked them out of the hat. The original one we picked up was "Missy", the girls liked that one but since I didnt like that one, we repicked the names and missy came out first again. Sooooo, since I am the oldest I decided to manupilate the situation and we chose Vanilla. It suits her, and its a unique name. Everyone is in love with her (friends and all o' em). Flip! still have to potty train her though!! This is not her but she looks something like this but she a bit bigger. She is cute , even though cleaning up the poo sucksI honestly have been considering losing weight but with people around me that love their food its a bit too hard to do. The only exercise I get is walking to my "pick-up-place" to go to work, which is 10min away from where i stay and going up the stairs at work. And besides healthy food doesnt taste nice. Well unless Jamie Oliver cooks it. I dont know what I am gonna do. Im a size 36... Yes I would love to be a 30 and my friend's wedding is in October. ARGHH. I dont have time to go to the gym. There is just so many other things to do. Ok we will talk about this weight thing another time, let me finish this slice of cheese cake first.
So, I really like Corinne Bailey Rae. I love the soulfullness of her music and she ha
s beautiful voice. I am still listening to an old album, her first self titled album, that I could never get enough of. She is a beautiful young lady and I REALLLY love her music. She rocks left, right and center. Love her, love her, love her!She is 31. She got married at 22 and her husband, Jason Rae, died when she was 28. He had taken an overdose of drugs so yah. She became a widow at a very young age, tjo!***Anyway heres to Monday again. I am praying for an awesome week and wish ya'll the same
Pass my regards to Vanilla, that's such a cute name!
The weight thing is an uphill battle, keep at it, and going up the stairs is a great way of burning calories but somehow I can't bring myself to do it, I always take the lift! Happy Monday to you!
Vanilla is cute. Love her to bits
Eish, with the weeight thing, i just get so discouraged sometimes. i have a cuz who stuffs herself silly but is as skinny as yoo cant belive. I only take the stairs coz i have to, there is no lift and its just two floors. Maybe on lunch time i should put on my gym gear and run up and down the stairs like mad!
Have an awesome week hun
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